Project Examples
Over 20 years of environmental experience.
Over the years we have worked on a wide range of projects that have helped us to gain experience and develop the expertise we apply to every situation.
Since 1999 we have delivered 100's of successful projects to the construction, transport, defence and energy sectors across Southern England and beyond.
Below are some examples of the work we do. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your own project...
Ecology surveys for 950 housing units along with new school and playing field
Drew Smith Group housing development of 950 units
Horton Heath, Eastleigh
Ecosupport were instructed to carry out ecological survey work to inform this planning application which included otter, water vole, great crested newt, bat emergence, re-entry and transects, dormouse, reptiles and breeding bird surveys. Due to the presence of a previously unrecorded great crested newt population, a mitigation and compensation strategy was also prepared to inform the successful planning application.
We were able to provide a large team of field surveyors to make sure that we covered all areas of this large proposed development site and provided technical reports to assist with ecological assessment, mitigation and compensation.
Multiple species mitigation & artificial badger sett construction
Taylor Wimpey housing development of 150+ units
Colden Common, Winchester
Initial Phase I & II protected species survey carried out identified a maternity long-eared bat roost within an existing building, a population of Great Crested Newts (GCN) within nearby ponds, an active main badger sett, Grass Snakes and locally important flora within the adjacent ancient woodland.
We successfully applied for European Protected Species licenses requiring us to plan and implement a translocation and design a bespoke bat house. A Natural England derogation licence was also successfully obtained for the exclusion of the badgers along with the construction of a new artificial badger sett. All work was completed on time and under budget enabling the developer to get on site within the stated timescales.
Habitat creation & improvement, reptile translocation & monitoring
Foreman Homes housing development of 200 units
Hedge End, Southampton
Our initial surveys found reptile populations on site including locally rare European Adders. Due to the habitat requirements of this species it was necessary to find a suitable receptor site for the animals to be moved to. We worked with our client and Eastleigh Borough Council to identify an appropriate site across the M27 designated locally as a SINC.
Ecosupport along with EBC carried out habitat improvement and management works on the reptile receptor site to create an optimum mosaic of suitable habitat for adders and other reptile species. During capture and translocation adders were radio-tagged to provide information on their movements in the new receptor site, with this information fed into the on-going site management strategy.
Implementation of Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANGS)
Pennyfarthing Homes, housing development of 300+ units
Fordingbridge, New Forest
Due to the close proximity of the New Forest Special Protected Area (SPA) it is necessary in some housing schemes to develop alternative areas for human and canine recreation that will alleviate any increases in visitor pressure to the New Forest.
Ecosupport have carried out sensitive scrub clearance and habitat restoration works to enable the creation of an on site SANGS working closely with Pennyfarthing Homes, Natural England and New Forest District Council to provide this haven for new human, canine and wildlife residents.
Long-eared maternity roost in house
Homeowner, demolition for new house construction
South Downs National Park
The site was a single detached home that was to be demolished in order to construct a new house on site. We found a large number of bat droppings in the loft during the Phase I survey. For a building with a confirmed roost, three bat surveys must be done to inform the application for a protected species licence.
Following the bat surveys, the roost was classified as a maternity roost for Brown Long-eared Bats and a day roost for Common Pipistrelles. We created a bat mitigation strategy which helped to get planning permission for the project and supervised all works to the roof, relocating a bat in the process.