Phase 1 Ecology Survey

Starting point for ecology surveys

Also referred to as a Preliminary Ecological Assessment, Extended Phase I Habitat Survey or Initial Ecological Appraisal, this is the first step of assessing a site in terms of ecology. This survey involves one of our experienced ecologists carrying out a site visit where they undertake a visual assessment of the site and the surrounding landscape. This survey will include a full search of evidence and potential for statutory protected species and habitats, and will assess likely impacts upon designated conservation sites in the wider area. Any structures or trees on site will be assessed as to their potential to support roosting bats.

For larger schemes a data request will also be submitted to the local records centre. This will enable us to determine the likelihood of certain protected or notable species being present as well as the proximity of designated sites.

This initial survey is the first step in assessing the potential ecological effects (or lack of) for a proposed development. It enables us to assess the ecological value of the site and establishes whether Phase II Protected Species Surveys are required and to what level they may be required to satisfy relevant legislation and planning policy.

Due to the timings associated with certain protected species surveys, it is recommended you contact us as early as possible to minimise the chance of delays. Similarly, by getting an ecologist involved as early as possible, proposals can be designed with ecology in mind, thus preventing unnecessary alterations further down the line.

After the Phase 1 survey

Once the Phase 1 assessment has been completed, if there are no further surveys recommended, we can write a report for submission to the planning authority. If Phase 2 surveys are required, the timings and scale of assessment will vary by site. See the links below to learn more about some common protected species surveys:

Our experience

We have been successfully completing Preliminary Ecological Assessments for over 15 years. Our ecology team can provide their expert and pragmatic advice to ensure ecology is considered and won't keep your project from moving forward.

About us

Providing quality ecology services across southern England and beyond since 1999.

At Ecosupport we complete comprehensive ecological reports for Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, Phase I Surveys, BREEAM, NVC Vegetation and Hedgerows and Phase II Surveys for protected species such as bats, reptiles, dormice, GCN, birds and badgers. We work directly with our clients to deliver pragmatic results and can implement any required mitigation or habitat restoration to see through your ecological needs from start to finish. Our large network of ecologists enables us to offer all our services all across the UK.

Ecosupport is SSIP-certified through SMAS Ltd.


Ecosupport - Head Office
K4 Keppel, Daedalus Park
Daedalus Drive, Lee-on-the-Solent
PO13 9FX


01329 832 841

Telephone (International)

+44 1329 832 841
